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» PC Heat Monitor
PC Heat Monitor
The PC processor generates
very high temperature during its operation which is dissipated by the large
heat sink placed above the processor. If the heat sink assembly is not tight
with the processor or the cooling fan is not working, PC enters into the Thermal
shutdown mode and will not boot up. If the PC is not entering into thermal
shutdown, the high temperature can destroy the processor. This simple circuit
can be placed inside the PC to monitor the temperature near the processor. It
gives warning beeps when the temperature near the heat sink increases
abnormally. This helps to shutdown the PC immediately before it enters into
Thermal shutdown.
The circuit uses a Piezo
element (one used in Buzzer) as the heat sensor. The piezo crystals reorient
when subjected to heat or mechanical stress and generates about one volt
through the Direct piezoelectric property. IC1 is designed as a voltage sensor
with both the inputs tied through the capacitor C1.The non inverting input is
connected to the ground through R1 to keep the output low in the standby state.
The inputs of IC1 are very sensitive and even a minute change in voltage level
will change the output state.
In the standby mode, both the inputs of IC1 are balanced
so that output remains low. When the Piezo element accepts heat, it generates a
minute voltage which will upset the input balance and output swings high. This
triggers LED and Buzzer. Capacitor C2 gives a short lag before the buzzer beeps
to avoid false triggering. Warning beep continues till the piezo element cools.
Enclose the circuit inside the PC with the piezo element close to the heat sink
of the processor. Adjust the distance between the piezo element and heat sink
so as to keep the circuit standby in the normal condition. The piezo element
can sense a 10 degree rise in temperature from a distance of 5 cms. Power to
the circuit can be tapped from the 12 volt line of SMPS.
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